Tuesday 6 April 2010

REPOSTING - THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT OF LIFE. (Yes, of course, Vampires.... And Paul Wesley....Okay~! and RPattz)

Ha. Here I am, acting like a teenager.

And yes, I'm going CRAZY over vampires again.
But different ones this time. The Vampire Diaries ones.
But you have to admit, Paul Wesley is hot.
And allow me to borrow Regina's line, "His hair looks sexy pushed back."
And it does. MY GOD. Not only is Paul extremely good looking, he's FIT. And I mean Kellan Lutz fit. OHMYEFFINGGOD! Well, he's not as muscle-ly as Kellan, but he's body is defined and shaped.
AND HIS SQUARE JAW. Jaw porn FTW. You can see his jaw tighten when he bites on it, it's fucking amazing. (And I do realize that I am swearing an awful lot in here. PARENTS: Watch your kids.)
But serious. Vampire Diaries has got me hooked. At first, it was much like Twilight on crack and on TV, but this one is so much better!
Here's why:
1) hotter (aka, more collisions in the bedroom)
2) Vamps are not as strained and self-tortured as the Cullen Family
3) the lead role (PAUL WESLEY) is soooo much hotter -can't believe I'm saying it, but I am -
4) the girl is not so much of a pushover as Bella was and still is.
5) There is an actual storyline. Honestly.
6) More action, more bloodlust and actual deaths.
7) Rollercoaster.
There are more reasons but I just can't be bothered right now, maybe later.
Looking back, I can't believe that I thought Vampire Diaries was shit, and now I can't wait for the next episode. WOW.

But thinking about Vampires in general, I myself have googled "Vampires" many times due to my obvious obsession. And to be honest, I am getting clouded with the idea. I mean, do they exist or not? I'd like to think they do, but I keep thinking, what if they are not as nice as the ones on TV, in books and everywhere else? What if, they actually feed on human blood, and drained everyone you loved? Would you still give them your life, much like Elena and Bella?
In many ways, they way that the books write about vampires, are much like LOVE.
Sometimes forbidden love.
The thing about vampires is that it lures you in, they are associated with sex and power, and sort of that suave about it. Much like love.
And sometimes, vampire love is forbidden, it makes you scared of what you are, or what you're feeling. Much like love.
I don't know, I might just be reading too much into this vampirism thing, but really I think that's what it is.

Anyhoooo. So here's goodbye RPattz, and hello Paul, with open arms. *checks to see if he's on Twitter*
Night everyone! Have a fantastic Easter, I'll probably see you before then!